Sunday, March 4, 2012

laconte rink

i just came back from lacunae and it was really fun.
there were a couple of figure skaters and every time they did a double turn or something like that, i would hold my breath until they stopped. why do you do this? you might ask and well, the answer is, i don't know.
anyways,i love ice skating, its soooo much fun! i only fell once which is really good for me and when i fell it didn't feel good one bit. i landed in a poseish sorta way.
if you haven't been to laconte, you should go.


  1. If you ever want to see something really funny, persuade me to go ice skating. I have to be the most horrible ice skater in history. Pathetic? Possibly. Truthful? Definitely!

  2. hehe:):):):):)
    i'll try to persuade in class!
