Saturday, March 31, 2012

a few words to say...

hi it's mia... and if your in my class you might know that my aunt and my grandfather both passed on november 31st 2011.
i just wanted to tell all of you guys how much they mean to me. my aunt and my grandfather mean so much to mean i think of them 24/7- usually if i think to much about them i end up in tears. now of course i try to avoid this in school:)
these two of my family member mean so much to me, i write letters to them.... you might think I'm weird but I'm really not, it's just soothing to think they're always with you:)
the last thing i want to say is, if i had just one night to spend with my aunt and grandfather and have conversations, i swear on the holy bible i would be the luckiest girl in the world.
well, it felt good to let all of that out!
till' next time,


  1. They will always be with you. Guess what? They'll show up in your dreams - probably for the rest of your life! I think it's a great idea writing to them.

  2. thanks i miss them a lot. they're almost always on my mind... but i can't complain about that!

  3. When you think of them, it means they are watching over you. You should feel good about that!

  4. :):):)):):):):):):):) ya your right!
