Friday, March 2, 2012


every year i go to the south of France.
it's sooo amazing!there are all sorts of things to do there like scuba diving(which i did last year and had the time of my life)
fishing for shrimp, crabs, and fish, swimming, viewing the sites, going shopping and much more!
anyways, my grandfather past away last year. he and my grandmother live in an apartment in France which has a wonderful view of the ocean! so back to my grandfather, since he past on, my grandmother will be moving here!!!!! which is wonderful and all but that means we won't be going to  France this year, which makes me sad.
but when i look on the bright side, i will get to see my grandmother a lot more than i ever have (considering she lives half way across the world...i think) so i guess it's not bad after all.
but it gets even better, my grandmother is coming here near a very very special day, my birthday!!!!!!!!!
(may 16th if anyone wants to get me a present...)


  1. That's very exciting news for you. Don't forget an even more very, very special day even closer than your birthday - my birthday! I can only imagine what sort of amazing present you will get for me...

  2. Mia, we can come up with a good birthday song for mr Allen, but we'll need to interview him first to learn all about his life in order to devise some super clever lyrics. You game?

  3. I'll give you the ammo - you just load that gun...

  4. I'll tell you loads of embarrassing things about my life and you turn them into a song with your Dad that will make fun of me. I have a suggested title for you - how about, 'Old, fat, balding dude'?
