Friday, March 2, 2012


hey dudes.
i wanted to talk to you guys about bullying and about all of the terrible stories i heard of committing suiside by the cause of it.
i just wanted to say that there's a lot of harsh things said all over the place and, right now we are studying colonial america and making fun of people would never happen back then,
and all i really want to know is how the whole bullying thing started?


  1. I don't know about that. I think bullying is as old as people. People have always picked on one another. I think this should have been on the 'similarities' list!

  2. Back when I was in grade school, people were picked on all the time. Very unfair and hurtful stuff. Just as it was then, it takes a strong, confident person to stand up for someone who is being bullied. It's easy to think, "boy am I glad that's not happening to me," and let it go at that.

  3. I agree with you Jim. I hope our class can stand up for those who might be feeling left out or bullied!
