Friday, January 20, 2012

i just don't no

i just don't no! you ask what i don't no well i don't no what to right in a post i also don't no why my dogs leg is broken and his tail i just don't no what i did to have god strike down his almighty finger and give that  little cute doggy of mine a broken tail and leg!........I JUST DON'T NO GINO IM SORRY LITTLE GUY!


  1. Well, you don't KNOW how to spell 'know'. Or how to spell 'write'. Right? Now that is your fault! It's not God! :)
    Your poor little dog's problems have nothing to do with you. It's not your fault. It's not God's. It's just a spell of random bad luck that can happen in life. You need to deal with what is in your power to control (your spelling). As for the rest: ride the roller-coaster of life. Hang on tight...

    1. ......................and mister allen if you didn't no this is the : no you use when your texting so it's just a habbit of doing it like..: no thats all. i know you spell it like : know. maybe i believe in God or maybe i don't but if God was real why would he give little girls or boys or anyone cancer or those awful diseases and the only roller coaster i wanna ride on is the rolling all the way to my tales of travels...... :)

  2. Dude. I beleive in god. I feel so sorry for you izzy! Don't worry, the sister and brother will get through this! :)

  3. welcome! Post something already!!!!!!
