Monday, September 19, 2011

the boston squid school re-veiw

todays re-veiw-mia

today i got something in my eye so i had  lunch in the nurses office. my eye got flushed witch wasn't to bad  but the nurse took my eyelid and then stuck a cotton swab and that really killed!!! so then she stuck this warm bandage  on my eye after she flushed it all she told me to keep it on until the swelling from the eye lash in my eye went away.after a good 10 minuets or so, the swelling went away and i headed back up to my classroom were they were talking about who knows what!

so,what this message comes to say is don't get stuff in your eye or else you'll regret it unless it helps you get away from the teacher that you hate but that's not my case!