Saturday, June 16, 2012

This song is the graduating Mr.Allen's class! P.S sorry for the bad language in the beginning

When My Dad Comes Home From Work

I wait by the door wanting to give him a hug and embrace the warmth of his cotton, Polo shirt. I'm reminded of theres still 20 minutes till he comes home but i want to play basketball with him where he'll let me win and then he help me practice so soon he won't have to let me win. I grab the hard, brown, rough basketball then reach for the door handle with the basketball under my arm. I decide i can practice by my self. I push the door open and it flies open like a bird wing. I heard the door slam shut where i feel i gust of wind which feels good considering its a summer afternoon where the temperature is reaching eighty degrees. I walk down the pebble steps and where there are baby ants playing, crawling, eating like they were never just born but you could tell by there size. As i begin to shoot I see a slight shiny, gray piece of metal drive by. Then I see hit driving up the street. It looks like my dads car but i can't see who is in the drivers seat. he pulls up to my house as i peek in the windshield standing a lot of feet away just incase it isn't my dad. When I look in I see my dad staring back at me and smiling I smile back and wait for him to get out of the car. He steps down on the black, muddy step and shuts the door with a slam. he walks up to me as i jump in his arms and feel his warm embrace and feel the softness of his cotton, Polo shirt as i stick my in his stomach and hold him tight.
the reasons i smile...
1.Gino&Gracie(my dogs)
2. one direction
3. seeing my dad get home from work as i wait for a hug
4. as i go on stage to perform 
5.playing in the rain- isabella
one direction is the reason......
     1.i smile everyday
2.i spend a lot of money
3. we have  good music
4.i want to be 18 kinda
5.why i want t be married to Harry Edward Styles!-isabella <3

Thursday, June 14, 2012


so theres this app called instagram.

The End Of The Year Post!

hi guys I'm sad as ever school is almost out!
The plays over!
I'm ready to cry this year has been amazing if i had any other teachers my life would never be the same this year has changed me and my life I've met new friends and stayed with the old gang (Mia, Randa, Emmy,etc) i loved every minute of it and looking back i would do it all over again if i could. i hope i can stay in touch with every one at hope to see you guys next year while we move on from the amazing year we had together! man i wish i could do this again and survivor island was awesome especially with the best band ever Tropical Toe Jam! ( Piano- Jack Egan, Bass- Daniel Johnson, Guitar- Harrison Creamer, Drums- Kevin Casey). I'm going to miss everyone sooooo much i wish we could all stay together. i wish i could have even more great years like this or school years but ill never have a year like this again and the way i feel about it and how glorious we worked together and how amazing we were just as a group and when we were acting together and working together we all got on so well and had so much fun i can remember funny stuff that makes me laugh even though I've heard it a billion times and i know a lot of kids want it to be summer and want NO SCHOOL but i want the complete opposite. i remember i was one of the kids wanting to grow up wanting it to be summer but now i don't. i never felt like it was so bad going into Mr.Allen's class it was just fun and especially with the help of Mrs.Moll, my math has never been better. my year has been incredible. between all the amazing moments with the class or the funny moments leaving us laughing still to the end of the school day. ill also always never forget all my years at the brooks from kindergarden to 5th grade (Miss. Meicieli-Kidergarten, Miss.Garvey-1st Grade, Miss.Bells-2nd Grade,Mrs.Howell-3rd Grade,Mr.Paci A.K.A PDog-4th Grade, last but not least Mr.Allen-5th Grade) and even though some people say public school isnt all that great but wait till you meat the brooks school! i feel sad and not wanting to leave but i know i have to so i will but as i leave this school year i will leave remembering the great year we spent together as Mr.Allen's class and the beginning till ending years at the Brooks Schcool!- Isabella Southwick

Sunday, April 29, 2012


i have Taylor Swift's album and it's great. there's this one song that is my favorite song in the whole wide world... it's called innocent. why is it my favorite song? with the song, i can finally see what my aunt was going through with her life and how the song completely relates to her story. Now every time i play it i start to cry because it reminds me of the darkest time of my life, hearing that my aunt died.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

happy vacation!!!

happy vacation everyone! so, what have you guys been doing this break? i've just been hanging around home, hanging out with friends, going out with family... it's fun! what have you been doing this break? comment!

Monday, April 9, 2012

movie i saw last night

last night i watched extremely loud and incredibly close. it was about this little boy who's dad died in 9/11. but one day, the boy was going through his father's closet and found a key. the boy thought if he found the lock that it belonged to, he'd more closer with his father. anyways, the key came in an envelope and on top of it was the word black. so the boy went searching all around NY to see all the people who's last name was black.
again, this movie made me cry, but it was well worth it. if you haven't seen this movie before, buy it it' sooo good:)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

she's better!

my mom just came back from the doctor's and she feels better! she can walk around without wearing sunglasses which is what she has been doing. so, yay!!!!!

my poor mom:(

so yesterday, my mom was outside gardening when a bamboo branch came up her glasses and apparently scratched her eye... for the third time. i feel so bad because it physically hurts her... this is the first time i've seen her cry over a wound! we might take her to the hospital because she just can't get any relief! this is going to be an interesting week....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Learning how to play guitar

I've been practicing and practicing on my changing chords on the guitar  and now my wrist is killing me and my fingers sting so bad I've been practicing for almost 2 hours and i just want to be good at guitar but i hope ill be good-izzy


why? why did id have to come into my life... i love them too much (even though that's not possible...) i love them though, so that's all that matters so, I'm done.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


so this week for a HW project, we need to take notes. so at first i was like; "crap. i don't want to," (pouty face) but then when i started them, it wasn't that bad! i'm not saying it's my new favorite hobby but i like it, kinda...

another mia moment

so about two years ago i was watching hotel for dogs (a movie). and there was this one part were the brother and sister got separated from each other by the police... and so right away i start breaking out in tears... i cried for a solid three hours in my room hugging my bear then i started to whale i was so sad. honestly, i don't know why i do these things but then i suddenly realize that it happens everyday, maybe so then i cry even more. i think a have something called like cryingenjitus- something i came up with right off the top of my head. so I'm really just over sensitive when it comes to sad movies.
another one of my typical mia moments (that's what i will be calling them from now on)

safe and sound

wow. i've listened to safe and sound (a song from the hunger games) since last year and i've never gotten sick of it. i think its a new record... its one of my favorite songs:)

one direction site!!!!!!!!!!!
there it is!!!!! check it out!!!!!!

mia's happy screaming fit...kinda

so this morning i was flipping through the channels on TV when i saw ONE DIRECTION playing live!!!!! so at first i paused and re- thought it through but then i realized it was really happening so i start screaming and laughing and being happy cause they are really good performers and sooooo cute!!!!!!! well that's what happened at my house this morning... it was amazing:)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

hunger games!!!!!!

well i just saw the hunger games and it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it pretty much had all the details from the book! i thought that the acting was good, the costumes, and all of the above!!!!!!!!!if you haven't seen it yet, drag your parents out to get tickets because it's defiantly worth it!!!!!!!!!! wow...

a few words to say...

hi it's mia... and if your in my class you might know that my aunt and my grandfather both passed on november 31st 2011.
i just wanted to tell all of you guys how much they mean to me. my aunt and my grandfather mean so much to mean i think of them 24/7- usually if i think to much about them i end up in tears. now of course i try to avoid this in school:)
these two of my family member mean so much to me, i write letters to them.... you might think I'm weird but I'm really not, it's just soothing to think they're always with you:)
the last thing i want to say is, if i had just one night to spend with my aunt and grandfather and have conversations, i swear on the holy bible i would be the luckiest girl in the world.
well, it felt good to let all of that out!
till' next time,
um...................well I'm out of words to say so .....heres my post...- isabella

Thursday, March 29, 2012

harry styles makes me melt he's so cute why would anyone not like him he's my future husband and Niall he'll be second there both amazing and why can't i be with them (sigh) I'm sad :( - izzy p.s. you guys he's 18 GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT IF YOUR GONNA BE A DIRECTIONER p.s.s a directioner is someone who loves and follows one direction

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

rather you lie

rather you lie
than make me cry

rather you lie
or else you'll see a tear in my eye

rather you lie
instead of crushing my heart...- izzy
you can tell me the truth just don't be harsh!


man, i have to admit I'm not loving my braces. i mean they are so much work! there is a lot of stuff i can't eat but i eat it anyways, but then i have to regret it because i end up spending a half hour more in the bathroom than usual. i just want to say ta izzy, good luck!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

breaking news for 1d!

emily, ur wrong. louis is the oldest. he is 20 harry is 18, zayne is 18, niall is 19, and liam is 19 too
so that's it, really,

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

im sooo sensitive!

gosh. i'm probably the most sensitive person you will ever meet. this is why: so i was outside (thanks to beautiful days like these) and i listened to my whole playlist. now, i have a lot of songs so it took me a while. when i finished the playlist, i started to cry. why? this is what you might ask. well, to be honest i didn't want it to end. i just love music with all of my heart and i guess it just really hit me that i really do love it. so there's your typical Mia, sitting on her swing, crying because she loves music to much. well, i have nothing else to say (tear, tear):)


a poem i know is not edited

stripes fill my eye sight,
there the color of midnight.

the tigers eyes stare into my soul,
like a fire pit of coal.

the orange glistens and shines
beneath the stripes and lines

his soft belly is color of winter white
it pops like he's in night

the grass is green and covers his paws
and covers his big bad claws

he's gone to bed under a tree
fast asleep like 1 2 3... :) - isabella

perfect poem perfect for peanut butter

peanut butter, peanut butter
i spread you with a simple smother

i love you, and you should love me,
can't you see we make a great family?!

you have painted a heart on my soul,
haven't you just reached your goal?

peanut butter, peanut butter,
you're the best thing that has happened to me, thanks to my mother

report card

well i did pretty good on my second term... but i must do better!!!!!!! i was called an "old soul" and i really don't know what that means.... but have you guys gotten good reports???? i need to know!
p.s. mr.allen, thank you for the nice comments:)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

well its 10:45...and i've decided to talk to you, Angry pink squid viewers... well hi...its  late night here at the Southwick home...well i should go on this fine wednesday night...goodnight sweet dreams don't let the bed bugs bite...bye :) - Isabella
Isabella:Dad why is the world filled with awful people and mindless cruelty
My Father: it's not you have to look past the news there just telling you everything bad because thats there job
Isabella:I get it but why the heck do people do this kind of stuff anyway its idiotic
My Father: I agree just think about the good things in life
Isabella: good idea, i  love you
My Father: i love you too
- Isabella :)

hey Giovanna your b-day is coming up best wishes from your friend and with love,

my cell phone call

hello?...ummm...yes..of course...well i heard but i didn't know if it was true...i know right hahaha... we should hang out...ya i heard  Thats how my phone calls go!


random dog lol hahahaha-izzy
if only i had a quick snapshot of gracie... :( - izzy

I'm really really bored...

sky zone

a couple days ago i went to sky zone with one of my friends from gymnastics, Sam. it was sooooooooooooooo much fun!! we did double back handsprings, back tuck, front handsprings, and front tucks! it was like gymnastics practice... only better! if you have been to sky zone... comment! (even if you haven't been there... still comment!)


i love gymnastics with all of my heart. it is the best thing eeeeeevvvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr a lot of people think its not a sport but it really is, and its a great one!!!! anyways I have practice 2 times a week (soon might be 3...) and i go for 4 and half hours every time. to me gymnastics is my world, my paradise around the corner!!!!! i just want you guys to know that:):):):):):)

big news!!!!!!!!!!!!

this big news is what we have all been waiting for... Emily Kate Murphy now officially doesn't like justin Beaver anymore! she has given him up for a new awesome band called One Direction!!!! (by the way you should check out their brand new album:)) so if you're as happy as i am, comment:): ): ):):):):):):):):)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Smile More

A poem by Isabella Southwick

smile more, and don't be such a bore.

smile more, keep your head up to the sky on don't be dull or dry.

smile more, stand up oh so very tall and don't act like your so small.

smile more, be happy and not all snappy.

smile more, no need to frown so pick that frown upside down.

Smile More...

My Paradise

Two Words
My Paradise
A poem by Isabella Southwick 

In my paradise fish swim, 
i swim.

The trees sway in my tropical get away.

The water glistens and 
listens to the beautiful birds.

The clear water is like a canvas and 
the light gives it color.

I see the sky of my paradise
and it makes me wanna fly.

The colors make me indulge in relaxation,
and it makes my paradise a sensation.

 It's private in my get away
so i never wanna run away.

The only invitation i give to come are my two dogs
because i love and the just sleep like logs.

Those are what those two words mean to me,
my paradise. 

cooper is my cutie:)

cooper is my dog.
cooper is my cutie.
cooper is my relaxation.
cooper is a sensation.
cooper is with me day and night,
cooper never shows any fright.
cooper is my one love.
cooper please don't shove

swimming with dolphins

i want to swim with dolphins soooö badly its not even funny. if someone gave me the chance to swim with dolphins for a whole day i would marry them on the spot (not really though). dolphins just seem so fun and smart and amazing and kind and playful and everything a Mia could ask for!!!!!!!!!!!!! so please mom and dad lets go to a place called Hawaii and swim with dolphins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

swearing little birthday boy

so my family and i were playing this card game at the kitchen table, and my team won the hand. so Jack (my little brother) decides to show his anger by saying thins: f**ker!!!!! and then we all started to burst out laughing. now Jack who apparently doesn't know what he said goes; "what did i do?! then my parents start explaining then he starts to burst out laughing. 
so i guess you could say between all the wrestling matches between Jack and i and all the fights, you could say we both had a pretty weird and exciting birthday day:)


my little brother can be a really big pest sometimes.
but i still love him. even though i said that i love him doesn't mean i show it. we wrestle, we fist fight, and we get in arguments. i guess it is kinda fun but that's just me. if you have any siblings that make your blood boil like me, comment:)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

days like this i want to drive away.
pack my bags and watch your shadow fade.
you chewed me up and spit me out
like i was poison in your mouth
you took my light
you drained me down
but that was then and this is now
now look at me!
this is the part of me that your never gonna ever take away from me (no)
this is the part of me that your never gonna ever take away from me (ya)
throw your sticks and your stones
and your bombs and blow
but your not gonna break my soul
this is the part of me that your never gonna ever take away from me:)
- katy perry- part of me

i pads

I'm obsessed.
i'm obsessed with my i pad.
I'm obsessed with my i pad because its fun.
I'm obsessed with my i pad because it is fun and i love it.

laconte rink

i just came back from lacunae and it was really fun.
there were a couple of figure skaters and every time they did a double turn or something like that, i would hold my breath until they stopped. why do you do this? you might ask and well, the answer is, i don't know.
anyways,i love ice skating, its soooo much fun! i only fell once which is really good for me and when i fell it didn't feel good one bit. i landed in a poseish sorta way.
if you haven't been to laconte, you should go.

nicki minaj

i love nick minaj. she's awesome. i love her personality, her style, her music, and the fact that she's the first female rapper. she's got it all! and this album, pink friday is the best!!!!! i think she's working on her second album called roman reloaded. but one thing, whats up with her and all of the roman stuff. in one of her music videos, moment 4 life, she was talking to her fairy god mother about this person named roman or is roman. or an other example, the grammys. she did a bunch of stuff about this "roman". or at the grammys again! she did the beginning of romans revenge, then did a song called roman!
i just don't get it.

Friday, March 2, 2012


every year i go to the south of France.
it's sooo amazing!there are all sorts of things to do there like scuba diving(which i did last year and had the time of my life)
fishing for shrimp, crabs, and fish, swimming, viewing the sites, going shopping and much more!
anyways, my grandfather past away last year. he and my grandmother live in an apartment in France which has a wonderful view of the ocean! so back to my grandfather, since he past on, my grandmother will be moving here!!!!! which is wonderful and all but that means we won't be going to  France this year, which makes me sad.
but when i look on the bright side, i will get to see my grandmother a lot more than i ever have (considering she lives half way across the world...i think) so i guess it's not bad after all.
but it gets even better, my grandmother is coming here near a very very special day, my birthday!!!!!!!!!
(may 16th if anyone wants to get me a present...)


hey dudes.
i wanted to talk to you guys about bullying and about all of the terrible stories i heard of committing suiside by the cause of it.
i just wanted to say that there's a lot of harsh things said all over the place and, right now we are studying colonial america and making fun of people would never happen back then,
and all i really want to know is how the whole bullying thing started?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

my new favorite songs

  1. Tonight is the night- Outasight
  2. We are young- Fun.
  3. We own the night- Selena Gomez & the scene
  4. A thousand years- Christina Perri
  5. All of the lights- Kanye West
  6. Dear ole' Nicki- Nicki Minaj
  7. Roman's Revenge- Nicki Minaj (feat. Einem)
  8. Runaway, baby- Bruno Mars
  9. Domino- Jessie J
  10. Man down- Rihanna
what a weekend! i was at my cousins new ski place and the slopes were awesome!!!!! i luv to ski:):):):):)

(attitash, the place i went skiing in NH)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

children these days:(
this is really scary.
i looked myself up on google, and pics show up, show up of me! and i thought i saw my address!
now people are going to come to my home and take me away!
before i get kidnapped, i want to say i love my family... and pit bulls:(

Monday, February 20, 2012

i don't get it.
i don't get why things like these pics r called kawaii i mean why not something else?
look at what this world is coming to!
so confusing!

hey guys it's mia! sorry i've been gone for so long, my computer wouldn't let me! anyways, i just found out that my neighbor (not david) is going to have pit bull puppies! anyways how's vaca? I'm luvin it! anyways, glad to be back and lots more posts to come from me!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

This is for Mr. Allen and the little cute squirrels in england that have fur growing out the top of there ears so adorable!

Gino's back leg!

Gino’s back leg
By Isabella Southwick

I dropped off my candy caned stripped bag but the colors where light pink and dark blue. My mom greeted me and asked how my day was with a delighted voice. I replied my day was good. But I knew something was wrong by my moms voice it was to happy like she was hiding something!

When I turned around the corner by the wall were the bathroom lays and when I turned I saw my very own double stuffed, tree bark brown, football loving dads couch. Where Gino and Gracie my two dogs laydown and relax. (They’re brother and sister).

Gino is the sweet color of brilliant gold with hints of obsidian the rich beautiful black. He is wild, loyal and a sweet heart to everyone he meets. Gracie on the other hand is rich black with big spots on her belly and paws the color of winter white. She is proper, clever and a nervous wreck.

Before I got to the couch I noticed Gracie looking melancholic so her eyes looked like two dark black bowls with rick milk chocolate in each one. 

Then I saw the gold dog Gino hop of the couch and began to limp in misery and such grand pain.  That’s when my world went black. I began to worry when my world came crashing down.  “Mom why is Gino limping”, I said, scared and nervous. My mom replied, “ sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but sweetheart Gino tore a ligament in his back leg.”

Now Gracie’s eyes sank even more into a melancholic look now that I knew the bad news. It was like Gino was trying to say to me with his sad eyes “ I know your sad and so am I.” His eyes still stared at me like he needed a hug and I knew I did too. I ran to his side and squeezed him tight for a hug. I began to sit back and my despair had silenced my mother and me. Then my mom spoke. “he’ll be okay he’s going to get surgery, we will do what we have to make him feel better.” 

                     - isabella   


Friday, January 20, 2012

i just don't no

i just don't no! you ask what i don't no well i don't no what to right in a post i also don't no why my dogs leg is broken and his tail i just don't no what i did to have god strike down his almighty finger and give that  little cute doggy of mine a broken tail and leg!........I JUST DON'T NO GINO IM SORRY LITTLE GUY!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


hey dudes hows it going you know i haven't been doing that stupid picture post I'm really speaking my mind on this so here blog so tell me if you guys like me just talking to you just you not some crazy pics use real words straight from my fingertips!-izzy

Monday, January 2, 2012


hey guys whats up i haven't really been posting stuff lately and I'm kind of blank of ideas so i thought i would  tell you about my dream so i was in a grocery store with a pony that was named carl and carl the pink pony nudged a can of soup over, that can of soup was stacked in a pyramid and they all came plummeting to the ground then the manager kicked me and carl out then i rode carl back to my house and carl cried because he really wanted the can of soup oh and this post is being posted by my new laptop i got for christmas! and carl says hi!-izzy